Common Intravenous Infusions for Adults
The following are commonly used intravenous infusions used in the hospital setting, and their usual dosage assuming for a 70kg patient using a standard infusion preparation
Drug Standard Dose Standard Infusion Preparation Concentration Comments Stability
Abciximab (Reopro) Bolus: 0.25mg/kg 9mg / 250ml D5W 36mcg / ml Use with inline 0.22 micron filter.  Do not use in patients with severe HTN, active internal bleeding, or CVA 24 hours
Main: 10mcg/min for 12 hours
Aminocaproic Acid (Amicar) Bolus: 5g/100ml over 1 hour 5g / 250ml D5W or NSS 20mg / ml Maximum dose is 24g/24 hours.  Rapid infusion of undiluted drug is not recommended.  Do not use in DIC. 18 hours
Main: 1g/hr for 5 or more hours
Amiodarone (Cordarone) Bolus: 150mg/100ml over 10 minutes 900mg / 500ml D5W 1.8mg / ml Monitor for hypotension which can be related to rate of infusion.  Incompatiable with heparin, cefazolin, sodium bicarbonate.  May potentiate warfarin, digoxin, quinidine, procainamide.  Store at room temperature. 7 days
Main: 1mg/min for 6 hours, then 0.5mg/min for next 18 hours
Amrinone (Inocor) Bolus: 0.75mg/kg over 2-3 minutes 500mg / 200ml NSS 2.5mg / ml Incompatible with IV furosemide, sodium bicarbonate.  May cause thrombocytopenia and hepatotoxicity.  Contains sulfites, which may cause allergic reactions. 24 hours
Main: 5-10mcg/kg/min
Atracurium (Tracrium) Bolus: 0.4-0.5mg/kg IVP 1g / 250ml D5W or NSS 4mg / ml Aminoglycosides may potentiate neuroblockade.  Utilize peripheral nerve stimulation to assess degree of blockade.  Monitor for hypokalemia.  
Main: 11-13mcg/kg/min
Bretylium (Bretylol) Bolus 5mg/kg over 1 minute, may repeat q15-30 minutes 2g / 500ml D5W or NSS 4mg / ml Monitor for low BP.  Causes as increased response to catecholamines.  Maximum dose 30mg/kg/day 24 hours
Main: 1-2mg/min
Diltiazem (Cardizem) Bolus: 0.25mg/kg over 2 minutes 125mg / 125ml D5W or NSS 1mg / ml May cause 2nd - 3rd degree heart block.  Should not be administered with IV B-Blockers or within close proximity of each other. 24 hours
Main: 5-15mg/hour
Dobutamine (Dobutrex) 2.5-10mcg/kg/min 250mg / 500ml D5W or NSS 500mcg / ml Incompatible with alkaline solutions such as sodium bicarbonate.  Maximum dose 40mcg/kg/min.  Higher doses cause tachycardia and arrhythmias.  Contains sulfites, which may cause an allergic reaction. 48 hours
500mg / 500ml D5W or NSS (fluid restricted patients)  
  1000mcg / ml
Dopamine (Inotropin) 2-20mcg/kg/min 400mg / 500ml D5W or NSS 800mcg / ml Incompatible with alkaline solutions (see above).  Treat tissue necrosis by infiltrating area with 5-10mg of phentolamine (Regitine) mixed in 10ml normal saline. 7 days
800mg / 500ml D5W or NSS (fluid restricted patients)  
  1600mcg / ml
Epinephrine (Adrenalin) Bolus: 0.5-1mg IVP 8mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 32mcg / ml Incompatible with alkaline solutions (see above). 24 hours
Main: 1-4mcg/min
Esmolol (Brevibloc) Bolus: 500mcg/kg over 1 minute 5g / 500ml D5W or NSS 10mg / ml Monitor for hypotension.  Morphine may increase pharmacological effects.  Esmolol may potentiate neuro-muscular blocking agents.  MUST BE DILUTED 24 hours
Main: 50-200mcg/kg/min
Famotidine (Pepcid) 40mg / 24 hours 40mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 0.16mg / ml Infuse over 24 hours at 10.4ml/hr.  If CrCl is less than 10ml/min, decrease dose to 20mg/24 hours. 14 days
Fentanyl (Duragesic) Bolus: 50-100mcg IVP 1000mcg / 100ml D5W or NSS 10mcg / ml Mechanical ventilation recommended.  Do not use concurrently with Diprivan.  Monitor sedation using Ramsey scale.  Maximum infusion 500mcg/hr 7 days
Main: 50mcg/hr 2500mcg / 250ml D5W or NSS
Heparin Bolus: 80units/kg IVP 25000 units / 500ml D5W or NSS 50 units / ml Monitor PTT and INR.  Treat acute overdose with protamine.  Infuse in "units/hr" 4 days
Main: 18units/kg/hr then adjust to PTT
Insulin-R Bolus: 0.1 units/kg IVP 50 units / 250ml NSS 0.2 units / ml Use ONLY regular U-100 insulin.  Mix insulin thoroughly in solution and prime tubing. 24 hours
Main: 0.1 units/kg/hr 100 units / 100ml NSS (fluid restricted)  
    1 units / ml
Isoproterinol (Isuprel) Bolus: 20-60mcg slow IVP 2mg / 500ml D5W or NSS 4mcg / ml Dilute IV bolus in 10ml D5W or NSS before administering.  Avoid using with epinephrine.  Incompatible with alkaline solutions.  
Main: 2-10mcg/min
Labetolol (Trandate or Normodyne) 2mg/min (adjust to BP) 200mg / 200ml D5W or NSS 1mg / ml Keep patient in supine position to avoid postural hypotension.  Use with caution in patients with CHF, DM, hepatic dysfunction, hyper-reactive airway disease. 48 hours
1200mg / 240ml  
  4mg / ml
Lorazepam (Ativan) Bolus: 2mg IVP over 1 minute 25mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 0.1mg / ml Mechanical ventilation recommended.  Use NTG tubing.  Dilute IVP dose with equal volume of D5W, NSS, or SWFI.  Sedative effects may be prolonged in sepsis, trauma, hypoxia, decreased hepatic flow.  Monitor sedation with Ramsey scale. 24 hours
Main: 0.5-1mg/hr 25mg / 100ml D5W or NSS (fluid restricted patients)  
    0.25mg / ml
Magnesium sulfate (Cardiac) Bolus: 2g/100ml D5W over 12 hours 16g / 250ml D5W or NSS 64mg / ml Used as antiarrhythmic agent.  Use with caution in renal patients.  Rapid infusion may cause hypotension  
Main: 16g / 24 hours
Magnesium sulfate (OB/GYN) Main: 1-3g / hr 50g / 500ml D5W&NSS 0.1g / ml Used in obstetrics only  
Midazolam (Versed) Bolus: 0.05-0.2mg/kg IVP 100mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 0.4mg / ml Mechanical ventilation recommended.  Use caution in CHF and renal impairment.  Monitor for hypotensive effects.  Theophylline may decrease sedative dose. 48 hours
Main: 0.25-2mcg/kg/min
Milrinone (Primacor) Bolus: 50mcg/kg IVP over 10 minutes 50mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 200mcg / ml Incompatible with IV furosemide.  Adjust dose for renal impairment. 7 days
Main: 0.375-0.75mcg/kg/min 100mg / 250ml D5W or NSS (fluid restricted patients)  
    400mcg / ml
Morphine sulfate Main: 0.5-10mg/hr 62.5mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 0.25mg / ml Mechanical ventilation recommended.  Monitor for respiratory depression.  Cancer patients may require higher doses. 24 hours
125mg / 250ml D5W or NSS  
  0.5mg / ml
Naloxone (Narcan) Bolus: 0.1-2mg IVP 10mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 40mcg / ml    
Addict: 0.1mg (first dose), if no response then progress in doubling fashion until response or up to 10mg
Main: hourly infusion dose rate should equal response dose
Nitroglycerin (Tridil) 50-500mcg/min 50mg / 250ml D5W or NSS 200mcg / ml Use NTG tubing.  Not for direct administration.  Do not mix with other drugs.  Monitor for hypotension and bradycardia 7 days
100mg / 250ml D5W or NSS (fluid restricted patients)  
  400mcg / ml
Nitroprusside (Nipride) 0.5-10mcg/kg/min 50mg / 250ml D5W 200mcg / ml Use lowest dose and shortest duration possible.  Maxmum dose rate (10mcg/kg/min) should not last more than 10 minutes when possible.  Montior for metabolic acidosis, thiocyanate, and cyanide toxiciity (protect infusion from light) 48 hours
100mg / 250ml D5W (fluid restricted patients)  
  400mcg / ml
Norepinephrine (Levophed) Initial: 8-12mcg/min 8mg / 500ml D5W 16mcg / ml Use central line ONLY.  Administer in dextrose containing solutions.  Avoid abrupt withdrawal.  Some patients require up to 40mcg/min 72 hours
Main: 2-4mcg/min
Phenylephrine (Neo-Synephrine) Init: 100-180mcg/min 20mg / 500ml D5W or NSS 40mcg / ml Contraindicated in severe hypertension, bradycardia.  Treat tissue necrosis by infiltrating area with 5-10mg or phentolamine in 10ml NSS 24 hours
Main: 40-60mcg/min
Procainamide (Pronestyl) Bolus: 15-18mcg/kg by slow infusion over 25-30 minutes 2g / 500ml D5W or NSS 4mg / ml Monitor administration with ECG.  Keep patient supine and monitor BP.  Watch for unexplained fever, joint pain or stiffness. 24 hours
Main: 1-5mg/min
Propofol (Diprivan) Main: 5-50mcg/kg/min 1000mg / 100ml (premixed) 10mg / ml Mechanical ventrilation recommended.  Use NTG tubing.  Monitor triglyceride levels.  Tubing and bottle should be changed every 12 hours.  Monitor sedation using Ramsey scale.  
Theophylline Bolus: 5mg/kg 400mg / 500ml D5W 0.8mg / ml Cimetidine, Erythromycin, and Ciprofloxacin may enhance toxiciity.  Rapid infusion may cause tachycardia.  Use with caution in renal, liver, cardiac disease and sever hypertension  
Main: 0.4mg/kg/hr
t-PA (Activaste) Bolus: 15mg IVP over 1-2 minutes 100mg / 100ml SWFI 1mg / ml If patient weighs less than 70kg, use 15mg bolus, and 0.75mg/kg drip for 30 minutes then 0.5mg/kg for 1 hour.  Check for signs of hemorrhage.  Total dose of t-PA should not exceed 100mg.  Patient must be on cardiac monitor  
Main: 50mg over 30 minutes, then 35mg over 60 minutes
Vasopressin (Pitressin) 0.1-0.9 units/min 200 units / 250ml D5W or NSS 0.8 units / ml Monitor fluid intake and output.  Monitor BP for hypotension 48 hours
Vecuronium (Norcuron) Init: 0.08-0.1mg/kg IVP 100mg / 500ml D5W or NSS 0.2mg / ml Aminoglycoside may potentiate neuromuscular blockade.  Utilize peripheral nerve stimulation to assess degree of blockade 24 hours
Main: 0.8-1.2mcg/kg/min
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